Bakery Production (Pembuatan Roti)
The demand for qualified and experienced Bakery Production personnel is important as of now and in the near future. There are excellent prospect in private sectors due to shortage of hands-on expert in food preparation services. In public sector there are lacking of professional and well experience bakery production. This area has a very good job market potential abroad for skilled personnel due to shortage of such highly skilled personnel in this region. Excellent prospects in food production related industries such as Tourism and Hospitality Industries, Food and Beverage Industries.
A Bakery Production (Level 2) is competent in performing:
- Safety, health and hygiene practices
- Sweet and savoury filling preparation
- Doughnut preparation
- Bun preparation
- Pizza preparation
- Muffin preparation
- Bakery product and material handlling
- Bakery product sales & marketing
Entry Requirements
Sijil Kemahiran Malaysia (SKM) Level 2
[Duration : 6 Months]
Entry Requirements for Level 2:
- Malaysian aged 16 to 35 years old;
- Possess Penilaian Menengah Rendah (PMR); and
- Possess Sijil Pendidikan Malaysia (SPM)