
Yahos School Of Skills The Success Stories

Yahos graduates had previously experienced major setbacks in their lives. Nonetheless, they persevered and eventually earned big achievement in their own sectors of knowledge. No caste, creed, religion, or color could ever stop them on their path to greatness.

Sylvia Hangit Serang

    Saya amat bangga telah bergelar alumni Yahos kerana di institusi ini saya berjaya mencapai cita-cita saya untuk mendidik kanak-kanak

    Sylvia Hangit Serang

    Alumni of Certificate Early Childhood Care and Development Education (Intake 2017-2018)

    Owen Aaron Anak Anchum

      Terima kasih Yahos kerana banyak telah bantu saya merealisasikan impian saya. Kini saya berkhidmat sebagai offshore catering storeman.

      Owen Aaron Anak Anchum

      Alumni of Certificate Level 2 Food Preparation & Production Culinary (Intake 2018)

      Asmida Binti Jamil

        Yahos telah memberi ruang kepada saya untuk menceburi bidang pendidikan awal kanak-kanak. Terima kasih yahos untuk semua didikan dan tunjuk ajar.

        Asmida Binti Jamil

        Alumni of Certificate Early Childhood Care and Development Education (Intake 2016-2017)

        Yahos School Of Skills fully commits and enthusiastically encourages all trainees so that they are ready and able to make a difference in related sectors in Malaysia and overseas.

        Here are some stories from our alumni who have made it in their chosen field.



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